Take advantage of Peoples’ affiliation with the Allpoint ATM Network.
March is a month of change in Wisconsin. The winter’s heavy snows come in March, fueled by warmer temperatures as the icy grip of January and February slowly gives way to the warmer temps of March. That means only one thing for many Wisconsinites. Spring break!
The annual trek to warmer climates occurs each year when families take advantage of the typical school break. Spring break weeks happen at various times in March, typically the month’s second, third, or fourth weeks. And with spring break week comes a trip to southern climates to experience a bit of the warmth of spring before winter fades away in Wisconsin.
So, what does all this have to do with Peoples State Bank? That’s easy. Spring break travel plans take money, and when you’re traveling out of state, it’s nice to know that you can use your Peoples debit Mastercard® to get cash from more than 55,000 Allpoint ATM locations nationwide.
And here’s the best part! Allpoint ATMs are completely surcharge-free for Peoples cardholders.
Another great feature of the Allpoint ATM Network is that many ATMs are located within some of the nation’s largest retailers. Allpoint ATMs are in Target, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kroger, Winn Dixie, Speedway, Costco, Safeway, and more. But not every ATM in these stores is an Allpoint ATM. It’s best to check the Allpoint website or app to be sure the location is surcharge-free.
You can search for Allpoint ATMs on their website, www.allpointnetwork.com, or download their app, which is available for iPhone and Android devices. Another easy way to identify an Allpoint ATM is to look for the logo applied to the outside of the ATM.
If you stop by a retailer to get cash from a listed Allpoint ATM and think another bank owns the ATM, remember that if you see the Allpoint logo attached, it is part of the Allpoint ATM Network, regardless of the bank that owns it. Because Peoples is part of the Allpoint ATM Network, our bank ATMs can be accessed surcharge-free by cardholders of other banks that are part of the Allpoint Network.
If you use an Allpoint ATM Network machine and you see a notice about a surcharge fee, go ahead and accept the charge. Allpoint affiliated cardholders won’t be charged. And if something happens and you are charged, work with your Peoples personal banker, who will fill out a refund form to get your money refunded.
And remember, you can learn more about the Allpoint ATM Network from a Peoples personal banker. Stop by a bank location or call 888.929.9902 to speak to one today.

Personal Banker
Tyler Sherfinski serves Peoples State Bank customers in our Rib Mountain location. As a personal banker, Tyler can assist you with your banking needs, from opening a checking or savings account, loan applications, and questions you might have about our banking products.