Wausau, Wis. (October 21, 2021) Soldiers serving overseas and Wisconsin’s veterans in need of assistance will benefit from a military care donation drive hosted by Peoples State Bank’s ten retail locations in central, northern, and southeastern Wisconsin. The donation drive runs through Veterans Day, November 11.
The collection serves as a way for everyone to honor veterans and active military for their service. The public is encouraged to participate by dropping off items in donation bins located at all central, northern, and southeastern Wisconsin Peoples State Bank branches. Donation items needed include non-perishable food items, batteries, blankets, stamps, and toiletries. Donations are given to the Rhinelander Military Support Group, which sends them to soldiers overseas and to agencies serving veterans in Wisconsin.
“Peoples is again proud to collect donations to support active military service personnel and veterans,” said President and CEO Scott Cattanach. “We often take for granted their sacrifice—but enjoy our country’s freedoms and security. Let’s remember them this Veteran’s Day and donate to show our thanks.”
“I know firsthand how incredibly uplifting these packages can be, having received one from the Rhinelander Military Support Group while I served in Iraq,” said Craig Lau, northern market president of Peoples State Bank. “This is one small way that we can show our veterans and active military members that we appreciate everything that they do or have done for our country.”
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Peoples State Bank is a community bank headquartered in Wausau, Wisconsin, serving north, central, and southeast Wisconsin from ten full-service banking locations in Marathon, Oneida, Vilas, Waukesha, and Milwaukee Counties, as well as a commercial loan production office in Stevens Point, WI.